Hume Chicago health What Are the Symptoms of TMD?

What Are the Symptoms of TMD?

Pain over the jaw muscles and joints (TMJ) and soft tissues can affect a large proportion of the population and significantly affect their quality of life. The etiology of TMD is multifactorial, with structural and psychosocial factors contributing to the symptoms [1, 2]. It has been shown that conservative treatment methods (education, self-care, dental therapy, occlusal splints, intra-articular injections, topical ointments, pharmacotherapy, dry needling, physical therapy, exercise, acupuncture, and bio-behavioral approach) have significant benefits for many TMD patients. In those refractory to conservative options, minimally invasive surgical procedures may be an option [3]. URL

The two TMJs are hinge-like joints that connect the lower jaw — called the mandible — to the temporal bone on either side of the head, in front of each ear. These complex joints allow movement in three dimensions, with a cushioning disk in between and large pairs of muscles that move the jaw. If any part of this system isn’t working properly, it can cause pain and other problems.

How to Recognize the Signs of TMD

Pain and other symptoms of TMD include a clicking or popping noise in the TMJ, limited jaw movement, headaches and migraines, earaches, pain in the face, shoulders, or neck, and tight muscles in the head and jaw. The symptoms of TMD may come and go and can become worse during times of stress. It is important for people to see their doctor or dentist regularly and follow the advice they receive. If they aren’t getting relief from their TMD, a visit to the emergency room or an urgent care center might be in order.

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